NEWS 30 Nov 2023

Proxy Adviser Warns LSE Over Governance

AQTION was recently mentioned in Board Agenda's article titled "Proxy adviser warns LSE over governance"

AQTION was recently mentioned in an article authored by Gavin Hinks of Board Agenda titled "Proxy adviser warns LSE over governance".

In the mentioned article, Ali Saribas, a partner at AQTION, contributes to the discussion by noting new trends in the voting landscape. Saribas highlights the emergence of "single issue" shareholders focused on public interest topics, and he mentions that in a world where there are many such shareholders, a threshold of 50%+1 is increasingly seen as a win for boards. He also points out the rise of "meme voting," which involves votes coordinated through social media and powered by voting choice tools entering the market. Saribas emphasizes the importance of engaging with shareholders to understand their frustrations on specific topics but cautions that setting a specific threshold may unintentionally undermine the intended spirit of such engagement.

The full article can be accessed using this link.